Hey there beautiful people!
How are you, how's thing going?
From my side, I can say: things are going great.
Looking for positive and motivational stories is very rewarding: first of all, because you can find out that many good things are happening around the world.
Secondly, sharing those stories with other people makes you feel happier, and more motivated to look for positive news. Last but not least, when you see that your efforts have an impact on other people, you start to feel grateful, happy, and fulfilled.
Sometimes we are looking for positive stories very far from us - I have shared several stories of inspiring people all around the world: apple seekers in the US, zero waste towns in Japan, an ex coal miner in the Appalachian Mountains, a green school in Nepal. I have gone very far from me, but I was kinda blind because many good things are actually happening around me.

I was a bit demotivated to continue until when, one day, I decided I wanted to have a break from this hectic research. But, at the same time, I didn't want to stop my project. So, guess what?
I had an intuition - and you may know that trusting our intuitions is the best thing we can do when we have some doubts. I decided that I had didn't have to go that far from me - there are a lot of good things happening in mine and my friends' reality, so why not to start talking about that?
I had forgotten that lesson again - to change the world, you have to start from yourself.
Examples of cute and little things that are going on in our own lives can be more inspirational than stories of people that changed the world, because more people can relate to them, and experience that feeling of "yes, I can do that!".
Back to my rubric, I asked a friend of mine if she would like to join me for a live show. It was supposed to be a conversation among friends, and that's what it was - but, in addition, it turned out to be very inspirational and made me think to do more shows like these.
My friend Agita from Latvia was a fellow volunteer in Sofia (under the frame of EVS - European Voluntary Service), and you may have heard of her from me before, because she is the one who designed the logo that I am using for my rubric. I texted her, asking if she would like to join me for a live show, and she accepted. I was very happy.
During the streaming, we talked about many things. Our show was mainly focused on life post-EVS (if you want to get more about my experience you can read this article) and on the positive impacts that quarantine life had on us.
Quarantine was, definitely, a huge opportunity for introspection. It was very beneficial to me, and to Agita as well, who stated that she has never been so productive. She even started to take a driving license for buses, which sounds very cool.
We also shared some words about our new hobbies that came out during our stay at home - I personally started to play piano, while Agita gave a try to drums, something she has always been passionate about. She now found some free time to learn.
Our talk got even more interesting when Agita talked about her dopamine detox - which consists in reducing, for a limited amount of time, all the things that increase your dopamine level. It is a very beneficial way to connect with yourself more, as several other things (like fasting, meditation and time alone) can do. This detox is one of the several things she has done while stuck at home.
At the end, we even started to brainstorm about many things, including some possible future shows. And that's one of the reasons why I am writing this article.
I have plenty of ideas and so much hunger to do more, and guess why? Both me and Agita were so grateful that our talk happened, and felt that this could actually be beneficial to us, to our friends, and to whoever might come across the shows.
I am planning to invite more friends to my Facebook live streaming - I am sure we can have interesting and cool conversations together! If you are interested in cooperating, or know a friend who has something cool to share with us, feel free to text me. I'll be glad to share your stories.
For, now I just want to say a BIG BIG THANK YOU to Agita for the rush of positive vibes she gave me. You can watch our live show here.
To all my readers, stay tuned: new ideas are coming! Follow my project Not your typical news to get to know more and, if you liked the article, feel free to share it with your friends!