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Dear people,

we are all the same. And at the same time, we are all different.

How many times I've heard someone telling me that we are all the same?

Several. And how many sceptical people told me in, an almost sarcastic way, that no - we are not all the same?

Several, as well. This even led to a joke between me and my friends, and now "we are all the same" became a kind of motto.

And led me to make a correction to my words. I should have said, we are all connected.

How many times we feel like some people come at the right time in our life, or that we deeply connect with someone else? It may be something like having the same music taste, or sharing some passion; or something deeper - like being on a very similar emotional journey, or in a same learning process.

How many times we feel like things are flowing the way they are meant to go?

I'm sure we all had experienced these feelings, and said to ourselves "that's destiny". Well, somehow, I believe that if we start paying attention and tune in, we make the choices that make us evolve, meeting the people we are supposed to meet at a certain time.

We can also call it a big bias. Our minds may be tricking us, maybe coincidences do not exist, and we are simply trying to link together the things that happen to us in a way that they become meaningful and almost follow a certain path - and in this way exclude the things that don't fit into this scheme of things.

It's like falling in love and idealizing the other person, don't see the defects and the bad things of our relationships, and think that we are meant to be together, forever.

Yeah, the mind is a cheater.

The whole story is something very fascinating, something between spiritual and psychological. Depending on our backgrounds and beliefs, we may tend to consider it more spiritual than a product of our minds, or vice versa. Being an extremely passionate, romantic and emotional person, kind of a dreamer, I am definitely pending towards the spiritual meaning. And I'm grateful to have people in my life that have their feet on the ground, and are a bit more sceptical and remind me to have a look to how our complicated minds work. But it's not all black or white - I find some truth in both explanations!

One thing on which both parts can agree, is that we start seeing this path of meaningful coincidences and synchronicites when we are more conscious about us and the world around. So, people, stay conscious!

Why I talked about concidences? Well, this week has been very special. I feel like things are flowing the way it's meant to be. And many little and cute coincidences made me smile and, one more time, think about how bizarre and surpirising life can be. I have met interesting and passionate people almost by chance, found some of the answers I was looking for - it looks like they came at the right moment, and made some people feeling happier.

It's so ironic because 'till few years ago I considered myself as a quite negative person. And my close friends of the time can confirm this. But then something changed inside of me. What did make this change happen? Well, it was pain. Pain for a loss, pain for loosing old friends, pain for hurting other people and being hurt. Sorrow is a teacher, it makes us realize many things about us and the world around. I grew up as a person, I went through an evolution - body, mind, soul.

What I had clear in mind after overcoming my negative feelings, is that I want to surround myself with positive people, that's why guys, today I want to share with you some of the things that made me feel light and happier during the last week:

  • This Ted Talk of Rozalén, a Spanish singer which I discovered few years ago in a music festival in Spain. In this talk, she speaks about the importance of talking with her grandmother, in order to get to know some stories that otherwise she would have not known, and how those talks made her write the most important album of her career. If you don't know Rozalén, I really advice to listen to some of her songs. She is really talented, plus, full of positive energies and love - maybe that's why I really like her :-)

  • This Ted Talk of prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. It's about being in the state of "flow" - that is, doing something and being so immersed into it to forget about time, effort and the world around. Have you ever experienced it? It's something really beautiful, as we feel timeless and boundless - I'd dare to say, we feel ethernal. I have experienced this state some times in my life (guess what? The last time I did it was when I was talking on the radio!) and I can assure it's one of the things is worth living for. It can be everything you enjoy - playing a musical instrument, doing some sport, writing, travelling or even spending time with the people you love. The important thing, is to feel we are doing something meaningful for us and for the others, and feeling passionate. Life is about moments, after all.

  • The YouTube channel of this Swedish girl, Joanna Jinton - this channel is a gold mine, filled with love and emphaty. You can really perceive that Jonna pours her heart in everything she does - she makes you think about the magic of little, simple things that Mother Nature gave us, like the beauitiful sound that the ice does when it cracks. And I was amazed by this ancient nordic chant. It's so soothing.

And it was right after discovering Jonna Jinton's channel that I realized, once again, the following thing:

Everyone in this huge world, has the whole world inside of them.

People are little miracles - their lives, their feelings, their dreams. Everyone has their own inspiring story, made of evolution, personal growth, pain and joy, fear and love. The world is full of inspiring people who are constantly struggling with their demons, walking their own path towards a continuous evolution and self-improvement, doing amazing little things in their daily life. And we need to share this. We need to be more empathetic, and less judgemental.

I realized what is my mission in life - I wanna share those stories! I wanna spread positivity and optimism. That's how Not your typical news project came out.

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