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Create your own opportunity!

Hello there!

Sometimes the news around us are so negative, pessimistic, and demotivating, that for some moments I get lazy and question my decision to start a radio rubric - and even a blog! - about positive news.

Do I really need to write articles about positive and motivational stories?

Do people really care about it?

Isn't it better to just spend my time working on more fruitful things?

Well, it's hard to stay positive in times like these. That's what people use to think, and to tell themselves.

But that's what has always been.

Human nature is like that - we tend to complain more than to be grateful for what we have, to think that things in the past were much better, than the others are happier than us.

And that what is constantly happening - inside and outside.

I was a bit demotivated to write an article this week (the newspapers are full with negative stories), and actually I was trying to encourage a friend of mine to do more video blogs (the so-called vlogs) because I really enjoy watching them - and she is actually pretty good at it!

What she told me made me think. "Well, Claudia, I'm not like you, you always have something to say".

Wait a minute...



Well, that's not true. I am not experiencing more than the average of the people around me, nor I have this kind of interesting life that the others imagine. Right at the moment, I have a very ordinary life.

That was then when I realized that it's not that I always have something to say, but I always create something to talk about.

And that is what makes the difference.

The world nowadays is not worse than it was hundreds or thousands of years ago - how can we compare it? We were not even born! So, in this case, do we really need to be pessimistic and complain?

Let's create opportunities to rejoice about, to do something constructive, and stop complaining that what we do is unuseful. If we don't believe in what we do, who else is going to believe in us?

Let me tell you... no one.

I thought no one was reading my posts, then I got a message from a friend of mine who told me that she read my articles and that made her feel a bit better. Please, guys, stop being lazy and thinking that what you do is not affecting anyone!

Here's some advices for the week:

be creative! Draw, paint, write a story, sing a song, play with the kids!

don't be lazy! Go out with your friends, talk with unknown people, go to the theatre!

build your own opportunities!

Start something new! Maybe you're good at it. I never thought I could climb, but look at me - don't I look like a cute, little spider, while I try to conquer this peak?

Stay tuned for the next article, or listen to me on Tuesday, 10th of March, at


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